TLG Services

Committed to Quality Programming

The Legacy Group Online provides high quality virtual and in-person professional development opportunities in a variety of areas that promote equity and inclusion through professional development programs with a focus on four functional areas.  These include but are not limited to:

  • Student Affairs Professionals (Focus on Serving Under-represented Populations)
  • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Training and Development
  • Access, Persistence and Completion Programs and Experiences
  • Conference Planning and Development

Career Development Programming for Student Affairs Professionals

The Legacy Group Online is committed to providing high quality mostly virtual resources for student affairs professionals with a specific focus on equity and inclusion services, career exploration and counseling, scholarly research through meaningful conference, institutes and summits. The Legacy Group Online provides a select number of conferences, institutes and summits that focuses on career growth and professional development for Student Affairs professionals with an emphasis on equity and inclusion.  Our programs provide best practices and tools to develop a strategic action plan for your career path, trajectory and goals.

Equity & Inclusion Training and Programming

The Legacy Group can provide diversity programming and training around leadership development in numerous areas.  All presentations are grounded in Diversity Education theories that are practical and intentional with a specific focus on cultural competency, micro-aggressions and affirmations and implicit bias training.  With a specific focus on Student Affairs work, The Legacy Group can provide workshops to powerful keynote speeches, the Legacy Group can provide any diversity focused needs that you may have. 

Access, Persistence and Completion Resources

The Legacy Group Online provides workshops and seminars that give a holistic approach to best practice in developing recruitment and retention plans that are grounded in a foundation of cross-cultural communication and solutions that work. Through our professional development activities such as our campus-based consultation, strategic and planning workshops, the Legacy Group Online will provide you with plans that provide results that are customized to your target population.

Professional Career Consultation

The Legacy Group Online is committed to providing resources for individuals with a specific focus on career counseling for under-represented populations.  We are committed to outcomes that are strategic and sustainable for your career trajectory. The Legacy Group goes above and beyond, giving the client resources and information that will help develop a professional action plan for growth and development. (Contact Robert directly by email at [email protected] for more information.)

Conference Planning & Logistics

Let the Legacy Group Online plan all your conference needs.  The Legacy Group can save you money and time in planning a conference that addresses the issues specific to your community and will also allow you to target a larger audience. (Contact Robert directly by email at [email protected] for more information.

Living & Leaving a Legacy